Your Mouth Mirrors the Health of Your Whole Body (6)



In practice, we encounter various reasons for considering tooth extraction. This can be due to factors such as accidents, inflammatory damage, or the need for more space when wearing braces. However, the most common issue we deal with is related to wisdom teeth. In today's article, we will focus on the systemic implications of this decision, building upon our previous blog posts.


Due to evolution, especially changes in our diet (consuming soft industrialized agriculture-based food with low vitamin and mineral content), our upper and lower jaws have not developed sufficiently to provide ample space for wisdom teeth, which erupt as the last set of molars. Consequently, these wisdom teeth often grow at an angle or do not fully emerge, causing problems not only for adjacent teeth but also impacting our overall health.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, wisdom teeth are situated on major energy pathways that connect vital organs, including the heart, nervous system, kidneys, and small intestine. The work and research of Dr. Thomas E. Levy demonstrate a direct connection between wisdom teeth and heart problems after the age of 50. Therefore, it is advisable, in specific indicated situations, to remove wisdom teeth before they become problematic and to avoid complications.

The connection between the heart and wisdom teeth is illustrated by a story from our practice. A middle-aged client, a mother of three, suffered from arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) and had been monitored by cardiology for years. After having her wisdom teeth removed and amalgam fillings replaced, the hospital informed her that they no longer needed to see her every three months. Everything seemed to be fine, and she was asked to return in two years.


Frequently, we discuss with clients whether to treat a tooth with a root canal or opt for extraction. Research has shown that teeth treated with root canals can harbor a high amount of toxic substances, including botulinum toxin, which circulate in the bloodstream. Our immune system has to confront these toxins, and blocks can form on the corresponding energy pathways or meridians. In practice, we link this information to the symptoms that the patient is experiencing.

For example, a man had been dealing with chronic bowel inflammation and knee pain for years. After removing his lower molars (chronic dental cavities and root canals), his bowel inflammation markers showed improvement, and he was surprised by the disappearance of knee pain. The molars were obstructing the large intestine meridian, which is connected to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. The teeth were replaced with zirconia (ceramic) implants.

Note: A dental cavity is a chronic localized inflammation around the root of a tooth, usually caused by deep tooth decay or injury.


Sometimes, the "pain" of a tooth may persist long after it has been extracted. This can be due to a condition known as a cavitation, or NICO (neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis) - an unhealed space left in the bone after tooth extraction, resulting from inadequate removal of the tooth along with surrounding tissues or when an individual has a high toxin burden in their body. Bacteria and toxins can hide within these bony spaces. If the body retains them in place, there may not be significant issues. However, when toxins escape into the bloodstream, they can lead to various problems. The area of wisdom teeth is a common location for cavitations.

Therefore, not only the technique and manner of tooth extraction are essential, but also thorough cleansing of the affected area, ideally with the use of ozone. Just like in the case of filled root canals, many people may have cavitations without experiencing symptoms, but more sensitive individuals might notice issues. Cavitations can also disrupt meridians, potentially leading to health problems.

As an example from our practice, a client suffered from jaw pain in the region of the wisdom teeth, even though all of his wisdom teeth were extracted when he was 18 years old. At the age of 25, changes in bone were revealed in a three-dimensional X-ray. After surgical intervention and ozone treatment, the pain disappeared.


In our practice, we always advise people that it's best not to reach a point where they need tooth replacements, such as crowns or implants, which are foreign to the body. We aim for prevention, which is why we recommend dental hygiene appointments every quarter. However, if a crown or implant becomes necessary, we take a biological approach whenever possible. We strive to minimize the amount of metal in the mouth, often opting for ceramic crowns or ceramic implants. Metals, especially various metal alloy combinations, can trigger reactions (known as galvanic effects) that impact one's overall health.


In general, it is advisable to take at least 14 days before and 6–12 weeks after any dental procedure, especially surgical ones like extractions or dental implant placement, to implement measures that strengthen the client's immune system (along with laughter and a positive mood). This includes getting sufficient sleep, adopting a low-carbohydrate diet to limit sugars, gluten, dairy, and increasing mineral intake, especially calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamins D, K, C, and B-complex (Skeletin, Fytomineral, and QI collagen can ensure this). In practice, we witness remarkable bone regenerative capabilities, with bone growth over an extended period of 3–6–9 months of Skeletin supplementation, further enhanced by Renol or King Kong.

It is essential to consider factors that can affect recovery after tooth extraction, crown placement, or implantation:

  1. Nutrition before and after the procedure
  2. Quality and duration of sleep
  3. Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals
  4. Adherence to postoperative instructions
  5. Emotions and stress